
At present, I am no longer an active cosplayer, but many local Colorado and Massachusetts folks know me from my cosplaying and live-streaming days. I still adore the atmosphere and camaraderie of conventions, and have found similar at Bicolline.

I think cosplay is a wonderful hobby- what I would call an “Apex Hobby”. It is a hobby that necessitates skillbuilding in a host of sub-hobbies. My motivation to cosplay meant teaching myself woodworking, metal-working, leather-working, make-up, public speaking, community building, event hosting, sewing, patterning, wig-styling! Cosplay can be all-encompassing, and the cosplaying ‘lifestyle’ shaped my late teens and early twenties.

While I do not cosplay anymore, I am grateful for those strange years, as they taught me so much about myself, what I want my online presence and social media to be (bare minimum!), and my limits in terms of selling myself versus selling my work. I like selling and sharing my work, I do not enjoy selling and sharing my ‘self’.

I do still pursue “Apex Hobbies”, I think historical reenactment and LARP both qualify— they are deep recreational pastimes that encourage personal growth and community, things so important I have spoken at length about why you need LARP over a cabin in the woods in an unlisted video here.

I have digressed enough into philosophy— please enjoy a few of my previous cosplays below:


Lightning, from Final Fantasy 13-2

Made over 3 years, this cosplay helped me to learn metal work, and is made out of aluminum sheet metal. It won awards at Nan Desu Kan 2014, and the cosplay death match at Anime Boston 2013. ♥️


Ciri, from The Witcher 3

Made in 2016, I used this project to learn leather working. ⚒ This was also when I got into Twitch Creative, as I live streamed the process. 🎥


2b, from Nier Automata

2017, I’ve made about a dozen contract katanas now, and so had to use one for my own cosplay before shipping it off to it’s true owner. 🗡


Kairi, from Kingdom Hearts

2016, After making a few Destiny’s Embrace Keyblades, I couldn’t resist also cosplaying best girl. 🔑 🔪


Sailor Lightning

2017, Lightning from Final Fantasy, reimagined as a Sailor Scout! 🌙


2015? I can’t have you leave here without seeing this. 👌


Yang and gang, from RWBY

In 2018, Bless the Pyrrha who deputized us with mustaches. 😎


Lightning, from Final Fantasy 13

This is a picture of my first cosplay, with my first prop! 2010, I bought the costume online, and made the gunblade myself. It was the very beginning of everything! 🥳